“…in the last 6 months over a million illegal aliens casually walked into the country unwelcome, untested, and unchecked…”

Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security tweeted:

“To decrease the spread of COVID-19, including the Delta variant, the United States is extending restrictions on non-essential travel at our land and ferry crossings with Canada and Mexico through August 21, while ensuring the continued flow of essential trade and travel.”

On Wednesday we reported on the appalling number of Covid-carrying illegals that are flooding our southern border.

REPORT: “900% Increase” In Illegals Testing POSITIVE FOR COVID Within First Two Weeks Of July

The Democrats are using our own military bases to infect the country with a flood of unvetted, untested illegals, and hope no one will notice as they point to anti-vaxxers (ie. dastardly conservatives) as the cause for the alleged uptick in Covid cases.

Frustrated with freedom of speech and desperate to shut it down, the administration has targeted social media as the main culprit in creating vaccine hesitancy blaming “misinformation and misleading facts” posted to social media accounts.

Jen Psaki went so far as to say “there’s about 12 people who are producing 65% of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms.”

A quick look on Twitter reveals at least 2- of the culprits. Check it out:


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